Monday, November 26, 2007

Random Thoughts

Here it is nearly 1am. Today was a wild and crazy day and I should be exhausted but instead I am wide awake. The day started by being up and at church for the first service at 8:30 and it didn't stop until just a couple of hours ago. I pulled off a pretty big accomplishment tonight by giving a good friend a surprise (well, sort of) birthday party. Had a group of about 20 people here. It was alot of fun but exhausting.

I really need to go to sleep but I went to bed and laid their for an hour before getting up to blog. Just have too much on my mind. Tomorrow is going to be a stressful day at work and I am dreading it. Alot of "hard" stuff going on that can only be dealt with head on. ugh! hate that!

I wanted to get my Christmas tree up on Friday but instead I spent the afternoon hanging out with my hubby! What a treat!! We went to lunch and then to an early movie. Went to see August Rush! It was awesome and I totally recommend it to everyone!! If you like music at all you will be in awe and it you are sentimental it will bring tears to your eyes! The whole theatre broke out in applause at the end. It's one of the few movies that I think I could watch more than once....even more than twice.

This week I will try to get my tree up and also the tree at the church. Trust me, this is not my favorite thing to do.

Everyone is posting about their favorite memories or traditions of Christmas...Well, I must tell you that you will not want to sign up for OUR yearly tradition! We call it the "Annual Christmas Tree Fight". Mike will have nothing to do with putting the tree up. He leaves it all up to me and I get frustrated and angry from the lack of help or support! It has become the family joke...

One year while having trouble with the lights...I picked up the whole wade of lights that were strung out all over the floor and took them outside and threw them in the dumpster. Then I had to go out and buy all new lights. I always stew around and grumble cause I am not getting any help and it always turns into a big fight. You can mark it down, happens every year!! Maybe this year will be the year that I will accept that it is not my hubby's "cup of tea" and get it done without grumbling! haha! But then again, do I really want to break with tradition???

Friday, November 23, 2007

ABC's of Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving! If I can’t find something to write about at this time of the year there is something surely wrong! So many blessings! My hubby preached a Thanksgiving message and in it he included his ABC’s of Thanksgiving. I was inspired to come home and write my own ABC’s. So here they are….not as funny as his were but, oh well…. You should try it …it’s a little harder than you would think!! I am thankful for all of you and these things too:

My ABC’s of Thanksgiving:

A - Amber, Addie and air conditioning
B - Brylea, my bed, The Bible and the Blood
C - Chad, my church, the call of God, Chik-fil-a and chocolate
D - Dining out, dollars, my dreams and David and DeLana
E - Energy, education and electricity
F - forgiveness, family, friends, freedom, the future and the favor of God
G - God’s grace, generous gifts and good times
H - Home, health, hugs and Hershey’s
I - independence, income, in-laws and ice cream
J - Jesus, justice and Joetta
K - Krista, kindness and kisses
L – love letters, liberty, laughter and Lisa
M - Marriage, Mike, Mom, movies, memories, missionaries, mentors
N – new clothes and non-fat Starbuck’s drinks
O - old friends, old comfy shoes
P - peace of mind, peace with God, pictures, pizza
Q - quietness, quality of life
R - Redemption, retreats, Rosa’s
S - Shawn, sunshine, sleep, Starbucks, shopping
T - time, tenderness and tears
U – understanding, unborn grandbabies!
V - Volunteers, vacation
W - warmth, worship, willing workers, way of escape!
X - all the X-tra blessings that God gives me every day!!
Y - YOU, yesterday and all the years ahead
Z – zillions of others things I can’t think of right now

Monday, November 12, 2007


Today has been great for a couple of reasons!

  • The group my daughter sings with has had their CD picked up by Family Bookstores nationwide and was featured in Family’s latest circular that just came out. They are called Frontline Worship and the name of the CD is “The Combination” . I went today and picked up a couple CD’s! It was so cool. I couldn’t help but tell the cashier that the girl on the front with the red belt was my daughter!! Haha! I know she was duly impressed! The CD is awesome and it is so exciting for them. They have worked so hard! They are going to be featured with a full page ad in the January circular. We are praying, praying, praying that their sales will be good and that Family Bookstores will continue in this partnership!! So go out today and buy your copy!! You will be blessed!

  • Today is my birthday and I have been incredibly blessed by friends and family! I am so spoiled! My hubby did something amazing and bought me the most beautiful ring! I have never like my birth stone much. It is a topaz. But this ring is simply beautiful! It is a topaz with little chocolate diamonds all around it! Simply gorgeous! The church blessed me yesterday with a gift certificate to have a one hour massage therapy every month for the next year! Wow! That is great!

    I am blessed, blessed, blessed!