Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wow! Look At Me!

Christmas was amazing! Family time was the best ever! Grandkids are so fun! Celebrating the birth of my Savior was wonderful!

Wow! Look at me! It's only December 29th and I've already taken the Christmas background off of my blog and put away all the signs of Christmas around my house! I am not sorry to close out 2010! It was a difficult and painful year - a year of change! At one point about half way thru this year, the thought went through my mind "Someday you will look back on this year and say 'That was a good year!'" Well, I'm certainly not THERE yet but, I survived and am now ready to THRIVE in the new year ahead. The one thing I CAN say is "God is faithful"! Even when people and situations are disappointing, He is faithful!

Wow! Look at me! I'm 40 pounds lighter than I was this time last year! Finally, one new years resolution accomplished! That certainly feels good! I learned alot through the process. I learned that I was believing a lie. I actually believed there was no hope and that I could never loose the weight. Now I will never be deceived in that way again. I can do all things through Christ!

Soon I will say "Wow! Look at me! All my stuff in order! My word for the new year is "order". My aim for the new year is to "get my house in order". I intend to clean closets, clean drawers, reorganize file cabinets and pantries, create new photo albums (with all the pictures stacked in photo boxes) and basically put in order every nook and cranny of my life.... at home and office! One project at a cluttered pile at a time. I'm not in a rush, not in a big hurry - but determined. I think I'll start with the smallest projects first and move on to the bigger ones....

I have one more "Wow! Look at me!" but I am saving it for another post! I'll be back soon! I promise!

Happy New Year to all!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Treasure

The only thing that is decorated for Christmas is this blog! Behind again! Always behind when it comes to Christmas. I love this season though! Love the shopping. Love trying to figure out the perfect gifts for everyone! But most of all I love the "reason" for the season! Thank you, Sweet Jesus, for all the gifts you give to me...everyday....You are my treasure!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Mom

It's almost Mother's Day. I don't often put into words the love and affection I have for my Mom. When I was growing up - it was just me, my sister and my Mom. She raised us single handed. She was fragile and strong at the same time. Often, while I was drifting off to sleep at night, I would hear her in her own room, crying. That sound broke my heart. I knew she was lonely and at times scared but when morning came, she was again that strong Mom who sheltered and protected us the best she could from everything that life threw at us. We were close. We only had each other. Even though those were hard years - we were together and I am thankful for them. We laughed alot and spent many hours singing together gathered around the organ or traveling down the road while on some sort of road trip! Good times!

My Mom's not perfect. I know she's made plenty of mistakes but she has not wallowed in them. She has just found her way back to the right path and kept moving forward.

Sometimes she says the wrong things at the wrong times. Sometimes she may quietly disapprove of my decisions or my actions. But I know she's proud of me. That's a really good feeling. I've never accomplished any earth shaking feats but Mom thinks I have! I know she brags on me to her friends when I'm not around! I know she is interested in everything I do as if I was single-handedly changing the world!

The older I get, the more I appreciate the sacrifices my Mom made for me and the more I cherish her prayers because I know she prays for me daily. Sometimes I wonder, "when she is gone, who will pray for me?" What a heritage she has given me of faith and courage, of godliness and perserverance! She is my hero and I rise up and call her "blessed"!

Thanks, Mom!