Friday, November 23, 2007

ABC's of Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving! If I can’t find something to write about at this time of the year there is something surely wrong! So many blessings! My hubby preached a Thanksgiving message and in it he included his ABC’s of Thanksgiving. I was inspired to come home and write my own ABC’s. So here they are….not as funny as his were but, oh well…. You should try it …it’s a little harder than you would think!! I am thankful for all of you and these things too:

My ABC’s of Thanksgiving:

A - Amber, Addie and air conditioning
B - Brylea, my bed, The Bible and the Blood
C - Chad, my church, the call of God, Chik-fil-a and chocolate
D - Dining out, dollars, my dreams and David and DeLana
E - Energy, education and electricity
F - forgiveness, family, friends, freedom, the future and the favor of God
G - God’s grace, generous gifts and good times
H - Home, health, hugs and Hershey’s
I - independence, income, in-laws and ice cream
J - Jesus, justice and Joetta
K - Krista, kindness and kisses
L – love letters, liberty, laughter and Lisa
M - Marriage, Mike, Mom, movies, memories, missionaries, mentors
N – new clothes and non-fat Starbuck’s drinks
O - old friends, old comfy shoes
P - peace of mind, peace with God, pictures, pizza
Q - quietness, quality of life
R - Redemption, retreats, Rosa’s
S - Shawn, sunshine, sleep, Starbucks, shopping
T - time, tenderness and tears
U – understanding, unborn grandbabies!
V - Volunteers, vacation
W - warmth, worship, willing workers, way of escape!
X - all the X-tra blessings that God gives me every day!!
Y - YOU, yesterday and all the years ahead
Z – zillions of others things I can’t think of right now


Anonymous said...

I love it! And what is this about UNBORN GRANDBABIES? Is someone pregnant? :)

Dawn said...

No, Amy, no one is pregnant but ya never know.....someday, we're hoping....

Anonymous said...

soo fun! you bensons, you're so creative!!