Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's Gonna Be Great - 2008

It's hard to believe we are already 20 days into the new year! I look forward to this year with great expectancy! My hubby has announced this as the "Year of the Supernatural"! The supernatural is something we don't get unless God "shows up"! Already there have been several things that have happened that are just signs of things to come. There is excitement in the air! What will the months ahead hold? We are going to give Him every opportunity to work that we can. We will believe, pray and expect! "God, give us the gift of faith to believe for the supernatural!" Yep, 2008 - It's gonna be great!

Faith in itself is a miracle!
Can I really believe the unbelievable?
Miracle faith- it's a gift that's free
Simply believing what no man can see
He gives the measure that I need
And tho it's only the size of a mustard seed
Mountains must move and demons must flee
As that tiny seed takes root in me.

~Dawn B.


La said...

Thought you gave up on your blog. =) I'm glad I decided to check it one more time!

Anonymous said...

Nice to have you back Dawn. Glad your holidays went well! MIssed hearing from you. :0)