Friday, June 20, 2008

My Heart's In My Throat

My hearts in my throat
Lord, what should I say?
One moment in time
Then he'll walk away
Don't let me miss it
Opportunity lost
My silence - expensive
Too great the cost…….

A poor soul so lost
Stumbling and dazed
Finding his way….
In humanity's maze
I have directions
I could show him the way
If only the words come
Lord, what should I say?

The broken of heart
Lost in their grief
A life full of promise
Cut so brief
Dreams crushed today
A loved one just died
Lord, what should I say?

Suddenly it comes…
Confident! Bold!
It comes like a fire
Shut up in my bones
It's His words, not mine
I know what to say!
"I have the answer!
I know the way!"

Life words from heaven
Out of me flow
Strumming the heart strings
Touching the soul
Life words from heaven
Not mine, just His…….
I am His mouthpiece
For a time such as this………………

~Dawn Benson
June 20, 2008

Esther 4:14 "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

1 comment:

marme said...

beautiful. why do we fret over our words when we know the Holy Spirit will take charge? I miss you, my friend!