Saturday, April 5, 2008

God Ain't Dead

Romans 12:12 –
“Let your hope keep you joyful,
be patient in your troubles,
and pray at all time.”

“Let your hope keep you joyful….”
Is there hope inside of me?
I feel like just a burnt out shell
A pile of charred debris

“Be patient in your troubles….”
You must be kidding me!
Trouble’s been my life, Lord
And trouble’s all I see!

Have you even noticed, God,
The kids are sick again?
The rent is due, the car is broken -
My patience wearing thin.

Is there gold in all my garbage
I’m draggin along behind?
Is there treasure in this trash?
A nugget yet to find?

And of course you have to add
“And pray at all time….”
I’ve tried that, God, and all I’ve got
Is silence for my time.

I know I’m ranting on and on
Drowning in the rain
Can you somehow show me
A purpose in this pain?

I’m knee deep in my troubles
My heart just feels like lead
Then a voice inside me whispers
“Hush child! God ain’t dead!”

He’s always been on time
Tho at times He may seem slow
The righteous aren’t forsaken
Nor the faithful man left low.

So I’ll stop my whining now
I’ll dry my tears instead
And trust that voice inside that says
“Hush Child! God ain’t dead!”



ree said...

A good word!
A timely word...

marme said...
