Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Hairdos

Well, I went and got a much needed haircut today! Cut about 3 inches off. I was feeling pretty good about it all and bounced out of there to head home and drag out my blow dryer and curling iron to see what I could do with the new do!

I jumped in the car and deciding I needed another quick look, I threw down the visor and OMG!...What I saw was not at all the hair on my head but instead it was the hair GROWING right out of my chin! There is was shining right at me in the sunlight! I was mortified!! Suddnenly my new hair do was forgotten and I could only think of getting home to the tweezers! Now I know all you girls out there under 40 don't have a clue what I'm talking about but I promise your day is coming!!

When I got home and took care of both of my "hair does" I couldn't help but laugh in remembering that there use to be a lady in our church that we all wanted to chase down and tweeze..... The kids all exaggerated that she gave them whisker burn when she hugged them! Oh God, don't let me become Sister __________!!! haha!


Unknown said...

i think i know as to whom you are referring... and I doubt you'll ever be able to grow 'em as good as her...

I still can't grow a beard as good as she did!

Good lady though.

Nanna's Place said...

I know how you feel. I am forever plucking the one hair out of my chin. somehow they should make a pill that desolves these hairs when you hit 40. why not they make a pill for everything else.

kdp said...

i have those special little hairs too. they seem to stand up and call attention to themselves just when , it is a most embarrassing situation. but thankfully i have very dear friends that will pluck them, if i don't catch them just time.

marme said...

Yeah, and mine is blond and you can't see it alot of times until the light is shining on it, like outside. Then someone always points it out!

Anonymous said...

"best" blog i have read in a while :p. hee hee

love you