Monday, October 29, 2007

Trip to San Antonio

We are on a short trip to San Antonio. Chad, Amber and the girls are with us. The weather is absolutely gorgeous! I am still feeling slightly miserable with this throat and head thing but I am trying to not let it keep me down. The guys went to play golf and Amber and I went to a new outdoor mall and wandered around until the girls got tired and ready for a nap. Now I am resting here in the hotel! Wonderful and relaxing!

I was right about the girls singing “Annie” songs! They already know a lot of the lyrics and they went off to their room just now begging to watch Annie while they laid down to rest! Haha! Poor Chad! Maybe someday he will have a little boy and he can pull out the old “Karate Kid” movies that he use to watch repeatedly when he was a kid! He was so taken with Karate Kid that we had to put him in karate classes. It was great until he came home and tried out his kicks on his sister! One time he actually convinced her to hold perfectly still and he would kick as close to her face as he could without touching her. He declared that he “had control” and would not touch her! Well, you can guess what happened…..just one bloody nose and that trust was completely broken! She has never forgiven him for that one!

We’ll be home on Wednesday. Right now, just looking forward to this evening and tomorrow……in this beautiful place!


kj said...

hey! you're in my stompin' ground!

hope you all have fun!

love ya!

marme said...

without me?

No wonder you're not answering your phones!

hope you had fun!